Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Install Oracle XE on Fedora 11 x86_64

In order to install the oracle xe database on Fedora x86_64.
Download the oracle-xe-univ-

In the installation guide is stated that the following packages are necessary.
  • glibc – 2.3.2
  • libaio – 0.3.96
So I installed these packages:
yum install glibc libaio

The installed the rpm : rpm -ivh oracle-xe-univ-
And then executed
"/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure"
Which successfully ran with given answers to the questions.

After this I tried to start the database and got many different error messages.
Tried to start the database but nothing was started.
But there was nothing coming up.

Also tried "sqlplus /NOLOG"
connect / as sysdba

Then the errors stated there was not INITXE.ORA, so created the initXE.ora.
The following errors where the database files were not located.....

After numerous attempts and failing every time I uninstalled the rpm.
rpm -e oracle-xe-univ-

And removing all installed files "rm -rf /usr/lib/oracle/xe"

After some googling... It came to mind I am running a 64bit machine and the rpm is for a i386.
So I installed also the i586 packages:
yum install glibc.i686 libaio.i586

After this reinstalled the rpm : rpm -ivh oracle-xe-univ-

and configured the database.
Now all is running perfectly.....

Monday, July 6, 2009

Changing the font of JDeveloper 11R1 on Linux

Just installing the new release of JDeveloper 11.

But when running on Linux the font size seems a little bit off.
In order to make this better to look at a chane is needed in the

This file is located at:   ~/.jdeveloper/system11.
There is a commented field "#      Ide.FontSize=11"
Changed it to 'Ide.FontSize=10' and then started JDeveloper that looked a lot better........